Customer Testimonials

Hear from our satisfied clients.

Word of mouth is our best source of marketing. We strive to meet and exceed expectations, and if something isn't right, we work with our clients to fix it.


Having worked with R.M. White Company for more than 29 years I find them to be a trusted partner that delivers great value.

Jim Andrie

President, Gartner Refrigeration

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Back in 2011 we invited R.M. White Company to participate in a large-scale project that required prompt action working under emergency circumstances. Land O'Lakes was very pleased with their work and professionalism. Since then R.M. White has exceeded our expectations, and we consider them one of our trusted partners in the Refrigeration Industry. Thanks for their outstanding performance, quality of work and unique installation technics attending to the needs of our Food Industry requirements.

Most of the time, our installations require strict timelines and special attention to food safety standards. Over and over R.M. White meets our expectations. They are an instrumental part of why we see Land O'Lakes succeeding in Ammonia Refrigeration Standards.

Sealtiel Moran-Gurrero

Sr. Engineering Manager, Land O’ Lakes - Kent, OH Facility

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R.M. White Company has been in business for 40 years and does excellent work, great quality product and has great relationships in the industry. We often go to R.M. White for suggestions and answers to application questions relating to insulation installation.

Nate Brink

Sales Manager, Polyguard Products

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We enjoy working with R.M. White Company, they are committed to a great end user experience. The estimates are timely and fair, the scheduling and on-site coordination is flexible and made to fit changing end user schedules. It’s always a pleasure working with other family businesses like ours, the great customer service coupled with above and beyond support is something you don’t see every day, but it’s something we can count on looking forward to the next project.

Jeff Sutton

President, Mr. Ammonia

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